Trusts and Foundations

We would like to thank the following trusts and foundations who have helped us.

  • The Arnold Clark Community Fund
  • Arts Council England
  • The Lord Austin Trust
  • The Belacqua Charitable Trust
  • Birmingham Common Good Trust
  • Maria Björnson Memorial Fund
  • The John Booth Charitable Foundation
  • The David and Sandra Burbidge Charitable Trust
  • The Edward and Dorothy Cadbury Trust
  • The William A. Cadbury Trust
  • The Cooper Hill Foundation
  • Dumbreck Charity
  • John Feeney Charitable Trust
  • The FDR Trust
  • Nicholas and Judith Goodison’s Charitable Settlement
  • The Grimmitt Trust
  • Alma Jean Henry Charitable Trust
  • Jerwood Foundation
  • The S & D Lloyd Charity
  • The Mary Kinross Charitable Trust
  • The Marchus Trust
  • The Mbili Trust
  • The Measures Trust
  • The Mila Charitable Organisation
  • The Owen Family Trust
  • The Patrick Trust
  • The George Perkins Charitable Trust
  • The Persimmon Charitable Foundation
  • Postcode Lottery Trust
  • The Postlethwaite Music Foundation
  • The Public Interest Foundation
  • The Ratcliff Foundation
  • The Clive Richards Foundation
  • The E H Smith Charitable Trust
  • The Sackler Trust
  • The Souter Charitable Trust
  • The Thistle Trust
  • G J W Turner Trust
  • The Uncle Bill Trust
  • The Eric W Vincent Trust Fund
  • The W.E.D Charitable Trust
  • The Wakeham Trust
  • The Michael Watson Charitable Trust
  • The Wavendon Foundation
  • The HDH Wills 1965 Charitable Trust